Do not miss the chance to buy your ferry tickets online.
Because we know how frustrating can be having to check daily for the availability of ferry tickets for your next trip we created Island Breeze Alert.
Buying ferry
tickets have
never been easier.

Benefits of Island Breeze Alert
Guaranteed Tickets
If you buy your ferry tickets as soon as you get our newsletter you will have guaranteed tickets. NOTE: Having ferry tickets on hand does not guarantee a seat. You need to get early to the terminal to guarantee your seat.
Better Planning
With your tickets secured you can plan the rest of your trip with confidence. You can book accommodations and plan activities. Take some ideas from our newsletter, we will share with you places to go in the east side, including but not limited to Vieques and Culebra.
Time Saving
Booking ferry tickets to Culebra can be tine consuming and frustrating. especially if you have to refresh the booking website or visit the ferry tickets counter days in advance or super early in the morning. Island Breeze Alert saves you time and effort.
Reduce Stress
Knowing that you will receive a notification when the tickets become available for sale can reduce the stress associated with having to check daily because you do not know the realese day.
Real Time
Ticket Notification

Hassle Free Booking

Peace of Mind

787tristeng, Tripadvisor
I had a fantastic experience with Island Breeze Taxi Service! They picked us up right from our apartment early in the morning and took care of everything, including purchasing our ferry tickets in advance. It was such a relief not having to worry about buying them or missing out on availability.
Shannon Sangston- Google
" Maria and Julio went above and beyond. I am so grateful I decided to book through them, and will recommend them to anyone I know is going to Puerto Rico".
Krystal Rios, Google